Monday, February 23, 2009

Just went back through to read some postings..........thought I would post something first before I got caught up in the e-mails, etc. BLOG IS OPEN TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more the merrier!
Hellooooooooooooo out there. Hope all is well. I just thought I'd check in. Just the usual "stuff". The days are not long enough. Hopefully, the four of us will be going to Cancun over spring break. (Long story). Any must sees? I can guess the mustn't sees for my 17 year old daughter. OK, and for my son, and yes, my husband. I'll take binoculars.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

not a cousing, but an "Ant"

Hello nieces and far I am the only one of the "older" generation to add to the blog. We met Ken and Ione for lunch today and she told me she is not a cousin so hasn't added anything! So am I infringing on a select group? Love reading all the info, so hope it is o.k.
Pete is getting everything together to go to the Houston area to help with clean up after the hurricanes. There are four people from our church going leaving after the second service tomorrow. They had hoped to get more but with all the "stuff" on the list people are asked to bring, it will be a full car as it is. It will be a two day trip down, work for three days and drive back another two days. I would like to go along, but I'm afraid my back wouldn't hold up too well..just hope his doesn't give out on him.
We have our fall garden clean up done. I divided my iris and took the extras to church to plant there. In the process of digging, we unearthed big bunches of tulip bulbs that were grown together and needed dividing. We did that and replanted what there was room for and brought the rest home. I planted those today...51 of them! Next spring will be beautiful in they are productive.
David your story of digging the pit for the outhouse reminds me of one of Dan's tales from the Army. While he was in Korea I believe it was, the unit was marched out into the desert to fill sandbags, but once they got out there, no one had bags! So they dug trenches instead. Dan didn't think too much of the intelligence in the military. I may have screwed up that story...if so, Dan can correct it.
all for now
Aunt Polly

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Greetings From Lexington Ky.

Hi everyone!this is Becky Griebel daughter to Dorothy(#6 0f 11).Writing this from Lexington Ky.Horse capital of the world.Lived here for 25 years or so My husband is Francis and he works for Link-Belt Construction Equipment Co.He Designs Cranes.Iam a homemaker. And manage the book work on the 4plex Apts. own. WE have one Daughter Megan,who we adopted from China.In 1998.She is 12 years old now and is in 7th grade . What a wonderful thing it was to go to China to get her.Once and a life time trip.Altho we hope to go back some day so she can see Nanning China again where she is from. My Brothers are Steve Lindner he lives in Ankeny Iowa.Duane, he lives in SAn Ramon CA. And Curt,he lives in Eagle River AK. AND MY DAD AND Audrey live in Fort Dodge IA. do not know to much else here . THANKS DAN FOR STARTING THIS Blog I have really enjoyed reading it and seeing what all the Cousins are doing these days .Take Care Everyone Becky

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back from the Big Easy

I just spent this past weekend at the national conference for Women Chefs and Restauranteurs, which was a blast. New Orleans is still a far cry from the city as I found it seven years ago, but it does seem to be coming along. The people are just different there, they seem to be more vibrant and often rather eccentric. I noticed even that the men who made cat calls were somewhat different, not yelling, but rather greeting me with a kind word or two.

The food there was absolutely wonderful, but what else would you expect for a group of such talented individuals? We dined out Saturday night, and then were fed in the hotel by many top-notch chefs for the remainder of the conference. I must mention also that the wine flowed freely, and not the cheap stuff either. Women do these things right.

Many of the attendees were famous faces like Elizabeth Faulkner, Barbara Lynch, Leah Chase and Gale Gand, but at meals and sessions they were completely casual and extremely personable. I've never met so many people in just over two days, and now just have to make notes and remember them all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hi all,

Enjoyed reading all of the posts to date - what a great idea.

I'm Rich (still Richard to my Mom) Licht, 2nd son of Bob and Esther. I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota with wife Lori and our 11-year-old son Adam. Our first-born, Kristen, is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in marketing. Our son John is a freshman at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. We think he's majoring in baseball and fun, at least for the first year anyway.

Lori and I are both accountants. We met when we both worked for Arthur Andersen & Co. We both left AA&Co. to work in industry, long before that venerable firm's sad demise. I am now a corporate reporting accountant for Graco (not the baby equipment company), which manufactures paint sprayers, industrial pumps and lubrication equipment. Lori has worked for the last 25 years for Jacobs Management Co, a holding company for the business interests of a wealthy entrepreneur by the name of Irwin Jacobs. Their holdings include Genmar, a boat manufacturer, and Watkins Products.